In the Force24 system, there are different numerical codes to define the status of a contact:
Email Status
1 - Active
2 - Unsubscribed
3 - Hard Bounced
4 - Invalid Email Address
5 - Exclude by Client Rule
6 - Temporary inactive
7 - SPAM Complaint
8 - Bounced by BouncelessIO
-3 - Over 5 Spam/Soft Bounces without Activity
9 - Bounced by data upload process - Emailaddress bounce list
10 - Bounced by data upload process - Domain rejection list
SMS Status
1 - Active
2 - Unsubscribed
3 - Bounced
4 - Invalid SMS
5 - Exclude by Client Rule
Direct Mail
1 - Active
2 - Unsubscribed
3 - Returned Address Unknown
4 - Returned Unwanted
5 - Exclude by Client Rule