Journey templates are base frameworks for you to build your automated sequences. The templates include the recommended sequences we would typically use to build a journey; these can be edited, added to and used to send out your communications. As well as making journey building even quicker and easier.
To access the feature, you can press 'Use Template' from the 'Journey Manager' page, or access via 'templates library' and hover over and press the 'use' button on your preferred template.
When selecting this option, you will then be met with a selection of journey templates that have been pre-made for you to use. Including a brief description of how and why this may be used.
By selecting a journey template, you will be asked to confirm the journey name, journey run times, and any specifications you would like for your journey settings (this is the same as a new journey or existing journey setting page).
Once you have inputted the details relating to your journey, you may finally begin editing. A journey template is a framework; you will be required to input all relating fields to your journey such as subject lines, make decision queries, email templates, journey settings and so on.
If you have created a journey and you would like to save it to your journey library, you can simply press the '...' icon on the far right of your journey via the 'Journey Manager' page, and save as a template. This will then prompt you to input the journey name as well as a description for this. Please note that journey component queries will be removed and this will be a base framework only.
You can edit your description, template name or delete the template at any time from your 'templates library' page (unless this is a system shared template).
For further support or any additional queries, please reach out to our helpful support team via the live chat.